Conference Program

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Wednesday, April 06

Start Time End Time Information
9:16 AM 10:30 AM
Keynote Session
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom B, Level Three
Click here for details.

Speaker: State of the Inland Waterways Industry
Peter Stephaich, Chairman & CEO, Campbell Transportation Company, Inc.

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11:00 AM 12:30 PM
1A: Swift Water Response
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom B, Level Three
Click here for details.

Deborah Wick, Director of Client Services, National Response Corporation, a Republic Services Company
Speakers: Fastwater Operations: Tactics and Tools for Rapid Response on River Systems
Cody Harris, President, Whitewater Rescue Institute, Inc.
  Training for Swift Water Response
Servil Hoff, Emergency Response Coordinator, Marathon Petroleum Company
  International Swift Water Response Lessons Learned with a Focus on Safety
Tim Gunter (Commander, USCG retired), EdD, Director National Spill Control School, Texas A&M Corpus Christi

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11:00 AM 12:30 PM
2A: PFAS – Collection and Treatment Case Studies and Resulting Best Practices
Room: 301-304, Level Three
Click here for details.

Chad Tameling, Executive Vice President, SET Environmental, Inc.
Grady Springer, Office of Emergency Response, Coordinator, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Speakers: Challenges Regarding Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) and the Transition to a Non-PFAS Based Firefighting Agent
Stephen Pepper MS, CSP, Sr Consultant – PFAS Programs, CTEH, LLC.
  Emerging Technologies and Best Practices for Incident Response Involving PFAS-Impacted Waters
Seth Gibbon, Field Solutions Engineer, SET Environmental, Inc.
  Current and Emerging EPA Approved Analytical Methods for PFAS
Stephen Somerville, Technical Director-PFAS, Pace® Science and Technology Company

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1:30 PM 3:00 PM
1B: Ice Response Issues and Challenges
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom B, Level Three
Click here for details.

Philip Sontag Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Applied Research Associates, Inc. | Ohmsett
Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
Speakers: Oil Spill Testing in Ice-Infested Waters and Implications for Inland Waterway Response
Grant Coolbaugh, Sr. Mechanical Engineer, Applied Research Associates, Inc. | Ohmsett
Leonard Zabilansky PE, Principal Engineer, Applied Research Associates, Inc. | Ohmsett
  Adapting Warm Weather Response Equipment and Tactics to Sub-Zero Temperatures
Mark Ploen, Vice President Environmental, QT Environmental
  Conducting Ice Operations – An Operational Perspective
Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
Mike Popa, General Manager, Great Lakes Response Center, T&T Salvage, LLC

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1:30 PM 3:00 PM
2B: Training Exercises Programs Post-COVID
Room: 301-304, Level Three
Click here for details.

Chris Garrard, Chief, Training and Exercise Branch, U.S. DOT PHMSA
Speakers: Preparedness and Innovations at CHEMTREC and TRANSCAER
Erica Bernstein, Director of Outreach, CHEMTREC®
  Preparedness and Innovations at the U.S. Coast Guard
LCDR Clifton Graham, Program Manager, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Marine Environmental Response Policy (CG-MER)
  Preparedness and Innovations at the U.S. DOT PHMSA
Chris Garrard, Chief, Training and Exercise Branch, U.S. DOT PHMSA

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3:30 PM 5:00 PM
1C: Fur, Feathers and Fins: Wildlife Emergency Management 101
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom B, Level Three
Click here for details.

Bob Dundas, Environmental Director, Belle Fourche Pipeline Company
Speakers: From Planning To Activation: Wildlife Response Basics and Beyond
Rhonda Murgatroyd, Managing Director, Wildlife Response Services, LLC
  Wildlife Mitigation for Spill Response
Trever Miller SME, Response Manager, SWAT Consulting Inc.
  Wildlife Response – An Agency Perspective
Jo Ann Banda, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

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3:30 PM 5:00 PM
2C: Contractor Management Best Practices
Room: 301-304, Level Three
Click here for details.

Keely Fitzpatrick, Sr. Emergency Response Manager, NJ Resources, Inc.
Kenny Rhame, CIO, The Response Group
Speakers: Contractor Safety Management
Paul Hart M.S., CSP, CIH, Senior Consultant and Director, Health & Safety Services, CTEH, LLC.
  Best Practices in Managing Contractors from an Operators Perspective
Jon Wickersham, Emergency Response Program Specialist, Colonial Pipeline Company
  Contractor Qualification Program Best Practices
Robert Zinnecker, Interior Coordinator, Marine Spill Response Corporation

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Thursday, April 07

Start Time End Time Information
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
1D: Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Response
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom B, Level Three
Click here for details.

Robert Francis, Senior Project Manager, Shield Environmental Associates
Frederick Holt Jr., KY Environment Response Team, Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection
Speakers: An Operator’s Integration and Use of Drone Support for Oil Spill Response in the Inland Environment
Allyson Purcell, CMER Director, ConocoPhillips
  Multi-Platform Remote Sensing – Integration of Satellite, Aircraft, Drone, and Aerostat Sensors to get the “Big Picture”
Kevin Hoskins, VP, Telecommunications and Information Systems, MSRC
  Kentucky Drone Program – A State’s Perspective
Sarah Hettel, sUAS Program Coordinator, Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection

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8:30 AM 10:00 AM
2D: Including Indigenous/Tribal Communities in Emergency Response Planning
Room: 301-304, Level Three
Click here for details.

Kelly Malinoski, Director, Emergency Management, Trans Mountain Pipeline LP
Kent Lien, Technical Leader, Emergency Management, Canada Energy Regulator
Speakers: U.S. Regulatory and Policy Perspective
Mary Goolie, AK RRT Coordinator/Area Planner, US EPA Region 10 Alaska
  U.S. Tribal Perspective and Experience
Travis Hallam, Three Affiliated Tribes Pipeline Authority, Three Affiliated Tribes Pipeline Authority
  Canadian Indigenous Perspective and Experience
Raymond Cardinal, Committee Member, TMX Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC)
  Operational Perspective
Tina Donald, Chair -TMX Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee Emergency Management Sub-Committee, Simpcw First Nation

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10:30 AM 12:00 PM
1E: Response Case Studies
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom B, Level Three
Click here for details.

Cory Davis, CEO (Retired), CTEH, LLC.
Shasta Steinweden, State On-Scene Coordinator, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Speakers: Hurricane Ida Salvage Response Operations and Case Studies
Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
  West Virginia Tire Fire Oil Spill Control
Drew McCarty, President, Specialized Professional Services, Inc.
  When Right of Ways become Rivers: A Look at Trans Mountain’s Response to the British Columbia/Washington State 2021 Floods
Ken McLernon, Supervisor, Emergency Management, Pembina Pipeline Corp.

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10:30 AM 12:00 PM
2E: Emergency Response Planning for Unique Hazards
Room: 301-304, Level Three
Click here for details.

Kelly Malinoski, Director, Emergency Management, Trans Mountain Pipeline LP
Speakers: Environmental Sampling and Livestock Health: Implications for Animal Health and Downstream Litigation
Scott Malm Ph.D., Project Toxicologist, CTEH, LLC.
Kelly Scribner Tuttle, Senior Toxicologist, CTEH, LLC.
Helen Dubach, Director, Environmental Response, CTEH, LLC.
  How to Avoid a Lithium-Ion Fire and What to do Before one Happens
Angie Martin, President, Spill Control Association of America (SCAA)
  Colonial Cyber Incident – An Overview
Craig Wyatt, Director, Crisis Management & Response, Colonial Pipeline Company

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