This session will discuss real-world experiences as power plants work to comply with the so-called 316b regulations.
This session will explore the strategies needed to effectively navigate the environmental regulations impacting the fossil fuel power industry. Panelists will explore likely scenarios for the future of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, CCR, ELG, and other regulations. As emissions and water discharge limits tighten, both the positive and negative effects from control technologies need to be fully understood and incorporated into an overall site strategy. Compliance strategies, legal issues, and system impacts will be discussed by this distinguished panel, the first to convene at a major industry event since the Inauguration.
Two of the hottest environmental topics for coal-fired power plant operators are the EPA’s Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Coal Combustion Residuals rule. Neither rule can be viewed in isolation when developing compliance strategies. This session explores available options as well as the decision-making processes for achieving an effective ELG/CCR compliance plan, and kicks off a series of sessions devoted to fleshing out the details of both rules.
This panel discussion will cover the various aspects that utilities and engineering firms must consider in planning and implementing coal combustion residual and transportation projects. Compliance with EPA regulations, zero-discharge technologies for bottom ash collection and recirculation systems, water in contact with fly ash, and system options such as remote submerged chain conveyors will be explored.
The EPA rule sets the first federal limits on the levels of toxic metals in wastewater that can be discharged from power plants, based on technology improvements in the steam electric power industry over the last three decades. This session will discuss the EPA’s electric effluent conditional guidelines that came into effect in early 2016.
The U.S. EPA finalized national regulations to provide a set of requirements for the disposal of CCRs, commonly known as coal ash, from coal-fired power plants. The final rule came after years of study on the effects of coal ash on the environment and public health. The rule establishes technical requirements for CCR landfills and surface impoundments under subtitle D of the RCRA, the nation's primary law for regulating solid waste. This session considers a range of options and solutions for managing ash ponds to comply with the new CCR Rules.
This session will cover methods of NOx reduction in coal-fired boilers including combustion optimization, SNCR, and SCR-related technologies and operation.
Acid gas control covers various control technologies for acid gas removal in the flue gas path, including impacts on existing control equipment from regulation and unit dispatch changes.
* - This speaker has been invited to speak at ELECTRIC POWER 2017, but is not yet confirmed.