The CLEAN PACIFIC On-Demand portal gives you access to premium content curated and customized for those involved in prevention, response and remediation. This digital resource center includes five sessions and panel discussions originally planned for the live event and our sponsor directory, which has virtual business cards, company collateral, and general company information for each of our CLEAN PACIFIC On-Demand sponsors.

All of this content is accessible online and is ready to stream. This means you can watch sessions and panel discussions and browse through the sponsor directory on your time.

Once you sign up, you’ll have unlimited access to the content in the portal through the end of the year.

Track: Planning and Preparedness

Track Sponsor

Preparing your Incident Management Team (IMT)
This session will help prepare IMT’s to identify tools available to prepare, test, and exercise effectively. PHMSA will present on a project to develop instrumental ICS videos for response. Also included will be a discussion on unannounced exercise implementation and a review of the Canadian Pacific Railroad exercise from October 2019.

Oil Spill Exercise and Response Awareness Training
Eddie Murphy, Emergency Management Specialist, U.S. DOT PHMSA
Co-Presenter: Nicole Zawadzki, National Programs Manager, HAMMER Federal Training Center, Department of Energy

Expect the Unexpected – Implementing Unannounced Exercises
Ken McLernon, Manager, Emergency Management, Trans Mountain

Canadian Pacific Railway’s Functional Exercise – Exercise Ceres
Jon Gardiner, Hazmat and Emergency Response Officer, Canadian Pacific Railway
Co-Presenter: Jacqueline Martens, Emergency Management Specialist, GHD

Moving the Needle on Abandoned and Derelict Vessels: Recommendations to Strengthen State and Federal Capacity to Address a Growing Threat
In this panel, we will discuss and brainstorm effective strategies for implementing 38 recommendations from a Jan 14, 2020 report by the Pacific States / British Columbia (BC) Oil Spill Task Force (Task Force): Abandoned and Derelict Vessel (ADVs) Blue-Ribbon Program for Western U.S. States (Blue-Ribbon Program).

ADVs are a growing challenge for coastal states. The Blue-Ribbon Program is designed to help western states (AK, CA, HI, OR and WA) develop comprehensive ADV programs that will effectively address issues related to authority, prevention, public outreach and education, deconstruction and disposal, and funding. The Blue-Ribbon Program also contains recommendations for the federal government to help improve state/federal collaboration on this complex, expensive issue.

Chair: Hilary Wilkinson, Executive Coordinator Team, Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force


  • Devon Grennan, President, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
  • Troy Wood, Program Manager, WA State Dept. of Natural Resources/Aquatics Division
  • Greg Buie, Regional Manager, Western States and Pacific Region, U.S. Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center
  • Doug Helton, Regional Operations Supervisor, NOAA – Office of Response & Restoration

Track: Communication and Engagement

Case Studies: Successful Response Communications
This session will focus on two recent events where quick responses, spill prevention procedures, and good crisis communications protected both people and the environment. The audience will hear about tangible ways that state and federal entities can engage with indigenous communities, and about how good spill prevention procedures lead to successful responses.

Chair: Michael Lowry, Manager, Communications, Western Canada Marine Response Corp (WCMRC)

Crisis Communications – 2019 Fraser River Salmon Migration
Jeff Brady, Deputy Superintendent, Canadian Coast Guard
Co-Presenter: Leri Davies, Strategic Media Relations Advisor, Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Shell/Crowley Barge Spill
Nhi Irwin, Plan Development Review Supervisor, Washington Dept. of Ecology-Spill Program

Track: Response and Recovery

Track Sponsor

Crisis Leadership Challenges and Advancements
This session will provide an opportunity to highlight challenges and advancements in response crisis leadership by a panel of qualified response experts.

Co-Chair: Heather A. Parker, Navy On-Scene Coordinator, U.S. Navy NW Region

Co-Chair and Moderator: Greg Buie, Regional Manager, Western States and Pacific Region, U.S. Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center


  • Captain Michael Long, Coast Guard Liaison Officer to Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Coast Guard
  • David Byers, Response Manager, Washington Dept. of Ecology-Spill Program
  • Chris Graff, Director, Response Services, Gallagher Marine Systems LLC
  • Ed Owens, President, Owens Coastal Consultants
  • Scott Knutson (Retired), Consultant, U.S. Coast Guard, District 13
  • Jeff Brady, Deputy Superintendent, Canadian Coast Guard

Emerging Non-Floating Oils Issues
This session will look closely at emerging assessment technologies for non-floating oil spill response; specifically, how older technology applications are being put toward new uses.

Chair: Devon Grennan, President, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.

Induced Polarization Assessment
Kari Walker, Co-Managing Member, Induced Polarization Associates (IPA

Multibeam Echosounders for Sub Surface Oil and Gas Leak Detection
Sandy Borthwick, Vice President, T&T Braveheart

Registration fees:

$99 – Individual Access
$799 – Company or Agency Unlimited Access

Questions? Contact Carey Buchholtz at 713-343-1878 or [email protected]

Premier Sponsors


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